Monday 16 July 2012

A Bit Sick, A Few Ducks.

I am feeling rather sick and achey today. Stinging skin and sore muscles, burning throat and throbbing head when i cough. If only it was easier to stop the world and just rest when this happened... Heck, if only I had someone to look after me, or even Scarlett.. sigh! Whinge cry blah. That's me for today. Unmotivated with life in general really.
On Saturday I took Scarlett to Camellia Gardens to feed the ducks and have a play. It was delightful, even though I was really tired for some reason. Feeding the birds in the pretty flowers and smooth lakes is very therapeutic, we had lots of fun together :)

These bloody ibis were slightly terrifying for her though.... it must be their long pointy beaks!

Hide and seek, shall now be renamed Hide-under-the-table and seek.
Every. Time.

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