Thursday 31 May 2012

My Week, boring though.

Well I am sitting at work and slightly bored. I am nervous waiting for results of the second assignment in my HR course which I submitted on Mon/Tues... I think I went reallllyy well  but we all know that probably means I made about as much sense as a calculator in a swimming pool...

Adam is sleeping over tonight, it's take away night and footy time, even though we said we would do some assignmenting together :) I wonder what we will actually do.. probably eat, he will fall asleep, I will entertain myself on the computer or with my phone, ha.

I went to the backstreet Boys concert last week, it was AMAZING :) I screamed and laughed and sang so much and so loudly that I am sure I runined every video recording my best friend was doing next to me. But eh, concerts are there to be enjoyed, and enjoy it I most certainly did! I want to marry Nick Carter, sigh. He is so cheesy and 90s and hot and wonderful and boyish! Just like my beautiful little boyfriend :)

Scarlett has had a good week this week. No huge tantrums, although a bit of whining. I admit this is probably because I have been working extra hours all week so spent less time with her, but I think we both needed it for our sanity and of course for the paycheck, I cannot wait to buy my own car... and drive it! How much easier will life be, sigh..

Looked into Uni again today, I am pretty keen on doing distance after I finish my HR course. Very keen actually, just reading about the units makes me so excited. I think I will choose UNE, I have been given some really good feedback from (my daily bible equivalent) and it all seems so exciting and motivating. Who woulda' thunk that I would finally choose a career path...

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