Tuesday 1 May 2012

Taylor Swift, bringing out the teenage girl in me all over again. What is wrong with that? When I was sisteen and in love with my best friend, they were crazy emotion-filled days. When our arms touching breifly in biology meant my day was amazing. When we spent the whole free period in the library together, talking about our classmates and teachers and great english poetry. When sport days sucked because that was the whole afternoon without seeing him, possibly the whole day. When the butterflies in my tummy had decided to take up a permanent residence. When he gave me hope to be happy, and hope to be loved. When my home life was empty and my family were just hollow shells of namesakes, he gave me a chance to forget and smile instead.
He was amazing and smart and I learnt that I wasn't in love with him, I was only in love with the idea of having feelings. He was the one that made me realise how emotional a teenage girl can really be, and he is still to this day one of my closest friends. He fits into so many categories: smart, hilarious, stunning, deaf, gay, cynical, trendy, vulnerable, confident, independant, motivated. I hope he never changes.

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